Dear So and So:
This is to inform you that your services are no longer needed.
I am happier than I have been in a long time.
I just want to let you know that that is "in spite" of what you did to me. You hurt me so deeply that I thought I was unworthy of anything good that life had to offer; that I was an easily discarded piece of trash.
As a result, I have gone through years, yes years, of being lost; believing I was destined to always be die in a one room bed bug infested apartment, not being found until the odor wafted under the door into the hallway.
When you, So and So, hurt me you may have received less than a minute of gratification, but you gave me a life time of sorrow. Going through this has permeated my self-esteem, affected my physical relationships ...all in all it has rocked me to my very foundation.
I am furious that you had the audacity to treat me like I was worthless and over the years I have used myself as your proxy punching bag. You know what? I finally got sick of it.
I had to ask myself, "Why am I carrying this relay wand of abuse for So and So?"
I want to inform you that that wand has been retired, burned and buried and the Earth has been salted.
Pack up your belongings, and don't forget to take the shame and guilt with you. They have no place in this next stage of development.
You will not have power over me anymore.
Do not expect a reference.
With No Regret,
Elizabeth Hipwell