SILENT VOICES SPEAK started out as Silent Voices: A Writer’s Workshop, as the first group at the drop-in center at the Broadway location of Community Counseling Centers of Chicago, whose purpose is to empower it’s attendees to form and attend their own groups.

We have branched out as an independent entity. We are silent no more. We say yes to the creative possibilities of life & art...

The mission of SILENT VOICES SPEAK is to give a voice to people who are disenfranchised. Many of the participants in SILENT VOICES SPEAK are also visual and/or performing artists.

Membership is open to all.
Send submissions to lizhipwell@gmail.com.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

NOTICE OF EVICTION By Elizabeth Hipwell

This is an order to inform you that you are hereby evicted from this property. 
Due to the fact that the rules of occupation have been betrayed and abused in this dwelling, my head, a sacred place, a place to be regarded. 
I do not regret to inform you that you must vacate the premises as soon as possible. 
Your occupation of this space is bringing the owner immense amounts of pain and anguish to the point where she doesn't recognize herself. 
Your lack of care and sensitivity has caused much traumatic damage and sorrow; she has been prone to many physical ailments.
 In order to avoid any further structural damage you must clear the property and not return.  
Take your lies, your selfishness, your broken promises and your lack of follow through with you when you leave. 
A clear space, unhindered, is  needed in order to heal and make room for more suitable occupantion in the future. 
Take care.