SILENT VOICES SPEAK started out as Silent Voices: A Writer’s Workshop, as the first group at the drop-in center at the Broadway location of Community Counseling Centers of Chicago, whose purpose is to empower it’s attendees to form and attend their own groups.

We have branched out as an independent entity. We are silent no more. We say yes to the creative possibilities of life & art...

The mission of SILENT VOICES SPEAK is to give a voice to people who are disenfranchised. Many of the participants in SILENT VOICES SPEAK are also visual and/or performing artists.

Membership is open to all.
Send submissions to lizhipwell@gmail.com.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

FACADE by Therese Staples Burton

Ah but the mysteries hidden by the smooth simple lines of a face.
Deeper than diamonds angles and all other multifaceted jewels.
Appearances more deceptive than jaded eyes.
What lies hidden behind a porcelain facade?
A multitude of masks, diverse, some wild, some unassuming.
Applied daily as guardians to hide the secret ever changing self.
Reflecting upon a multitude of mirrors, you will never find all the soul revealed.
Appetizing glimpses tease and tantalize the senses, promising to unveil,
Unmask the treasure that lies hidden inside.
"Hoax," you cry, for all we see on the facade is a lie.

                                    -Image & Words by Therese


Dip your toes into the water.
Feel it splash.
Take the first step.
Aim your arms toward the heavens,
Reaching beyond your boundaries to 
The other side.
Bend with precision.
On the count, fly to your destiny.
Trust that your body will take you there.
Trepidation ensues with stinging eyes,
Tired muscles,
And adverse waves.

You can do it!


You’re there.
-Image & Words by Elizabeth Hipwell