SILENT VOICES SPEAK started out as Silent Voices: A Writer’s Workshop, as the first group at the drop-in center at the Broadway location of Community Counseling Centers of Chicago, whose purpose is to empower it’s attendees to form and attend their own groups.

We have branched out as an independent entity. We are silent no more. We say yes to the creative possibilities of life & art...

The mission of SILENT VOICES SPEAK is to give a voice to people who are disenfranchised. Many of the participants in SILENT VOICES SPEAK are also visual and/or performing artists.

Membership is open to all.
Send submissions to lizhipwell@gmail.com.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


     It is Halloween in the year 1958.  I am 6 years old.  My mom dresses me up as a cat and takes me trick or treating. We go from house to house; we walked 3 blocks first on one side of the street, and then on the other side of the street.  My mom said, “Margie after the last house we will go home. I will make hot chocolate and we will have some cookies.”
     As I come to the last house it is all decorated for Halloween. The lights are dim and howling sounds are coming from all around. There is a carved jack o'lantern that is on the porch all lit up and it looks scary. There is a big webbed spider and a ghost hanging up on the porch and a grave yard on the side of the lawn. As I go up on the porch I have my candy bag opened.  I ring the bell and say trick or treat.
     This lady answered the door.  She too was dressed as a cat.  I looked at her.  I was stunned because she looked just like me but older.  I would say the lady was in her 30's. As I was standing on the porch I could see the inside of the house.  The lady had four children and a husband. The children were sitting in a circle with their Halloween candy on the floor.  As the lady was putting the candy in my bag my mom said, “Margie we have to start going home.”
     The Lady looks at me and said, “Oh my name is Margie too.”
     I opened my mouth wide with a surprised look on my face. As I turned toward my mom the lady said, “Trick or treat this is Halloween in the year of 1982. I am you in the future. Surprise!”
-Margie Taylor                                                                                                                        (October 31st 2012)

THE WHITE COATS by Kathan Murphy

There are deep holes in the gates of my mind. 
Delusions and hallucinations sneaking through; 
Causing me fear and pain. 
Please something help me through. 
Black figures with sticky hands and feet crawling around me and creeping in. 
They are here to take me away. 
I have to fight them! 
But how? 
The thoughts consume me chipping away at my inner soul wearing me down. 
I am sick of fighting. 
The black figures turn into doctors in white coats. 
They tie me down repeating my trauma and stick me with a needle. 
I am no longer a human but an animal barely existing behind locked doors. 
Life is no longer worth living.
-Kathan Murphy

AT THE CRACK OF DAWN by Kathan Murphy

I have never seen the crack of dawn.
My meds make me sleep too long.
My sheets and blankets are so warm I could sleep through a party at a loud college dorm.
Clozaril is my nightmare best friend but my madness is on the mend.
I am strong but unfortunately sick.
I try hard to make the best of it.
This illness is tough but I am tougher.
One day I would like to take a job offer.
People said that I would never leave the hospital but I proved them wrong.
No one is allowed to right the lyrics of my song.
I left Massachusetts to start a new life.
Maybe here I will make a good mother or wife.
Moving to Chicago was the right choice.
Here is where I will find my own voice.
                                                                                           -Kathan Murphy